Profhilo - Skin Remodelling

New natural anti-aging injectable (with one of the highest concentrations of Hyaluronic Acid (HA).

It is neither botox, nor filler nor a skin booster but rather a new type of anti-aging injectable treatment that stands on its own. I would describe Profhilo like an injectable IG “filter” or “primer” giving the skin a beautiful lift whilst blurring fine lines.

  • Two sessions of Profhilo are required a month apart, around when the active pharmaceuticals reach their half-life and require a booster dose.

  • Description text goes here
  • Profhilo is known as a skin ‘bioremodelling’ treatment and is intended to improve skin laxity (loose skin) through maintaining suitable conditions for the viability of fibroblasts, keratinocytes and adipocytes. This leads to remodelling of the extracellular matrix in terms of elasticity and support. Unlike dermal fillers that expand for volume replacement, Profhilo flows evenly beneath the skin to rejuvenate & tighten homogenously. I use the recommended 5-point Bio-Aesthetic-Point (BAP) Technique for the face. This involves relatively unpainful superficial injections into the subcutaneous layer of your skin at 5 strategic points on either side of the face. These points are where the lower 1/3rd of your face is the most mobile – the origin of laxity mechanics. A similar BAP technique is applied down the neck. 2 sessions of Profhilo are required a month apart, around when the active pharmaceuticals reach their half-life and require a booster dose. It is also advised to apply Haenkenium crème between sessions.

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Dermal Filler Enhancements